Stretching exercises to perform in the morning

Stretching is a fundamental part of sports practice. Their usefulness goes far beyond a simple warm-up, and some practices even base their entire routine on flexibility and exercises that we could do before doing another sport. In Living without Pain we have already talked to you previously about the benefits of stretching to improve low back pain.
When we sleep, although it is common to change our posture while we sleep, we hardly make any movements. Because of this, our muscles and joints are stiffer in the morning, and we recover this mobility little by little throughout the day as we perform tasks.
Stretching in the morning will help us both physically and to activate us, which will make us start the day with more energy. Below we will see the benefits of stretching, and the difference between doing it in the morning or at another time of the day.
Benefits of stretching
It is proven that stretching has a number of benefits to be taken into account, whether or not we are particularly active in sports practice. If we are, we will know perfectly well that before and after exercise we have to stretch gently to avoid injuries or to improve muscle and joint recovery.
For those who are not as active, doing a stretching routine can benefit them in many ways. And it can even serve as a gateway to starting a much more active lifestyle.
The main benefits of stretching are as follows:
- Improved performance in physical activities
- Reduces the risk of injury and soreness after exercise
- Increases range of motion (flexibility)
- Helps to improve body posture
- Improves circulation
- Helps to relax and reduce stress

Of course, if we have any type of muscle or joint pain, we will have to be careful when performing certain exercises. The ideal, as we usually remember, is that in these cases we should consult a medical professional to be able to adapt our sports routine to each specific case.
Morning stretching
It is important that before doing any exercise, we perform gentle movements and even let some time pass so that the body can gradually loosen up. After several hours of sleep, and without knowing in which position we have spent the night, we run the risk of hurting ourselves by forcing an area that is not ready.
So, before you start stretching, walk around a bit, move your joints and check that you have no pain or discomfort. We are going to suggest some exercises to do in the morning that may help you. If you notice pain or discomfort when doing any of them, stop and try another one. Stretching should not hurt.
Lumbar extension
Place your hands on your hips, and bring the trunk backwards until you feel tension. Hold for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.
Another exercise is the one we discussed in the previous post on stretching for low back pain. Placing a cushion or pillow to support the lower back, stretch one leg and bring the other with the knee to the chest. With the hands we grab the knee and pull it towards us.
We hold and notice how the lower back is stretched, and repeat the process with the other leg.
Hip lift
Sitting on the bed or somewhere where we can bring our arms back straight and stretched to support us, we place our feet flat and raise our hips little by little until we can support our weight on our feet and hands.
The back will start slightly arched in the lumbar area until reaching the top, where the body will be straight from the knees to the head. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower to the starting position.
Arm stretching
Sitting on the floor, feet crossed and back straight, we bring both arms up to place them next to the head. We have to notice how the back is stretched, and then bring them forward until the palms touch the floor. The back must be straight to avoid hurting ourselves.
If you find it difficult with your feet crossed, you can try kneeling.
Biceps femoris stretches
Stretching the legs is also necessary, especially because it is usually an area where, unless you work specifically, you do not have much flexibility.
Lying on the floor, and helping us with an elastic band or a piece of clothing that we have at hand, we raise one leg and place the band on the tip. We will stretch it little by little so that the foot comes towards us while we notice how the back of the leg stretches.
Hold for a few seconds in that position and repeat the process with the other leg.
Stretches for the spine
Stretched on the floor face up, bend your knees and bring them to one side and the trunk to the other. You can stretch your arm towards where you move your trunk to help you to have more surface in contact with the floor and to make counterweight.
We hold, and do the same on the other side. About 20 seconds per side is enough.
As you can see, they are simple exercises and do not require any element to be performed except a mat for those who do stretching. There are many other ways to stretch all parts of our body, but remember that if it hurts or you have any previous injury, it is best to consult a medical professional.