Stretching for low back pain

Stretching for low back pain

Low back pain is a type of pain located in the lower back, and is the most frequent pathology that we encounter at Instituto Aliaga. It is one of the main causes of absenteeism from work and has one of the highest prevalence rates in the world.

There are several causes of low back pain, but the main pathologies that produce it are usually herniated discs, facet arthrosis, or nerve entrapment in the lumbar canal due to a narrowing of the lumbar canal. There are other causes of low back pain, such as an intense muscle spasm, osteoporosis, cancer affecting the spine or spinal curvatures such as scoliosis or kyphosis, or a natural degenerative process of our body, among others.

The lower back area is responsible for supporting most of our body weight, so it is more susceptible to be affected by this type of pain. Therefore, it is advisable to work and stretch this area to avoid possible injuries, and even to relieve the pain once we suffer from it.

Preventing and relieving low back pain

First of all, the most advisable thing to do when we suffer from any type of back pain or chronic pain is to go to a specialized medical center such as Instituto Aliaga for a proper diagnosis of our ailment.

We must also emphasize that physical activity is not recommended in case of severe low back pain, because we run the risk of aggravating the injury.

That said, there are certain exercises and stretches that can help us prevent low back pain or alleviate its pain once we have overcome the acute phase.

Stretches the vertebrae

We get on our knees and go down until our chest rests on our knees. Stretch your arms and bring them forward until your forearms are touching or almost touching the floor.

We keep noticing how it stretches the lower back and the whole back.

Extend the lumbar area

Placing a cushion or pillow to support the lower back, stretch one leg and bring the other with the knee to the chest. With the hands we grab the knee and pull it towards us.

We hold and notice how the lower back is stretched, and repeat the process with the other leg.

Other type of lumbar extension

Similar to the previous one, and with an element that allows us to support the lumbars on top without hurting us just above the sacrolumbars.

The idea is that the cylinder runs along the lumbar lordosis, the natural curvature of the lower back,

Arching of the lumbar region

This stretch will be familiar to those who practice yoga because it is very similar to the cat pose. Supporting ourselves on four points with our hands and knees, we inhale and arch our back pulling our head down as if we want to look at our knees.

The abdomen must be firm and the head between the shoulders. Relax the abdomen and return to the initial position controlling the breathing.

The head should fall between the shoulders and we should feel how the whole back stretches and pulls a little. Hold for 20/30 seconds and return to the starting position. Breathe deeply and slowly while performing the exercise.

Knees to chest

Stretched out on the floor completely, we bring both knees to our chest and grab them with our hands to push them towards us. We should feel the lower back resting on the floor.

We can move in circles on the lower back to give a small massage several times to one side and then to the other.

Standing exercises

Low back pain may appear either standing or sitting, so it is important to detect whether certain exercises relieve pain when done while sitting or standing.

Backward bending

Standing, we place the palms of the hand on the belt as if we were holding it. Stretch the spine by pulling the head back until we are slightly arched but without forcing the neck.

Hold for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. We can repeat the exercise several times.

Hip flexor stretch

With one knee resting on the floor and the other leg forward with the knee bent, we gradually push the hip until we notice how the thigh is stretched near the pelvic area of the leg supported by the knee.

Hold for a few seconds and change the position of the legs, and repeat.

Pelvic tilt

This stretch also works the back of the thigh, where the hamstrings are. We can use some element to support us as the wall or a railing.

Lean your arms firmly forward, and bend your hips until you feel the back of your thigh pull. It is not necessary to force until it hurts. While we are like this, we slightly bend one knee to notice how one area is stretched more than the other, and then we change.

It is important to breathe while we feel how the area is stretched and not arch the back. If we arch, we are overdoing it and we can get hurt.

These exercises can help us to improve the health of the lower back and relieve low back pain, as long as it is not acute. It is not necessary to be suffering from pain to practice these exercises, we can also do them after training or practicing sports, or even just getting up to relieve sleep stiffness.

As we said at the beginning of the article, if you suffer from chronic back pain, it is advisable to see a medical professional. At Instituo Aliaga we are pain specialists, and thanks to our multidisciplinary approach we offer a personalized treatment that covers all aspects of pain.