Latest health tips
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Through this channel we will share with you information related to pain, possible treatments, training sessions, events, new techniques and information about Grupo MIVI.

Physical activity
Stretching exercises to perform in the morning
Stretching is a fundamental part of sports practice. Their usefulness goes far beyond a simple warm-up, and…

How to lift weights correctly without damaging the back
We often perform routine actions without realizing the repercussions they can have on us. Bending over, making…

Alcohol, the “friend” of pain
People suffering from pain may resort to inappropriate measures when they are unable to alleviate their symptoms.…

Stretching for low back pain
Low back pain is a type of pain located in the lower back, and is the most…

How to get rid of back pain
Back pain is one of the most common and disabling chronic pains we can suffer. This is…

I hurt all over, do I have fibromyalgia?
Diffuse and persistent body pain for months or years is something that many people are used to…