Latest health tips
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Through this channel we will share with you information related to pain, possible treatments, training sessions, events, new techniques and information about Grupo MIVI.

How to keep pain out of our mind
Chronic pain can have a great impact on our lives, especially if its intensity is high and…

Hip / Pelvis Pain
What it is and how to relieve sciatic nerve pain
The sciatic nerve originates in the lumbar area, the lower back, and continues through the buttock to…

Physical activity
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 2021: Active against COVID-19
April 6 marks World Day of Sport for Development and Peace, a United Nations initiative that focuses…

The “relaxation response” as a health benefit.
In the 1970s Herbert Benson and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School described the “relaxation response” as…

Physical activity
Swimming, the best sport for chronic pain?
Physical activity is often recommended to alleviate some effects caused by chronic pain. Of course, it is…

What is lumbago and why does it appear?
There are certain pains that are more disabling than others, and that can seriously affect actions as…