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Through this channel we will share with you information related to pain, possible treatments, training sessions, events, new techniques and information about Grupo MIVI.

Muscle contractures, what are they and how can I avoid them?
It is very likely that you have ever suffered pain due to muscle contractures. In fact, muscle…
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Cervical Pain
Congenital torticollis, what it is, symptoms, causes and treatments.

What is disc protrusion? Symptoms and treatment
Approximately 80% of the consultations to the doctor for low back pain are due to diseases or…

Cervical Pain
Cervicobrachialgia or radiating cervical pain What is it, what does it affect us and how can we deal with it?
What is cervicobrachialgia? Cervicobrachialgia consists of the compression of a nerve root of the brachial plexus coming from…