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Hip / Pelvis Pain
Pyramidal Syndrome or False Sciatica
What is pyramidal syndrome? Pyramidal syndrome, also known as false sciatica, is a neuromuscular condition caused by excessive…

Hip / Pelvis Pain
Low back pain or sciatica? lower back pain? radiating to the legs?
What is the difference between low back pain and sciatica? It is necessary to know how to differentiate…

Pain in the thumb? Irradiation towards the forearm? We could be dealing with Quervain’s tendinopathy.
What is Quervain’s tendinopathy? Quervain’s tendinopathy affects 2 tendons of the 1st finger (thumb) which are the abductor…

Cervical Pain
Cervicobrachialgia or radiating cervical pain What is it, what does it affect us and how can we deal with it?
What is cervicobrachialgia? Cervicobrachialgia consists of the compression of a nerve root of the brachial plexus coming from…

Cervical Pain
Is cervical rectification the cause of our neck pain?
Cervical rectification Cervical rectification is defined as the loss of physiological curvature (in the cervical region it is…

Excess weight a burden for chronic pain
Excess body weight is one of the factors that most negatively affects chronic pain, the more weight…